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Corporate Responsibility

As a manufacturer Safety is our first responsibility. We are convinced that business performance, sustainability and responsibility towards our employees shall be pursued concomitantly as the keys of our commitment.

With NEOS program 2016-2020, CRYOLOR has started to implement a customer-centric growth strategy, founded on three trends that are energy and environment transition, changes in healthcare, and digitization.


In conducting business, our core values are trust, integrity, accountability and entrepreneurship. We strictly follow the rules and regulations and especially the rules of fair trade.
Each employee pledges to the Group’s Codes of Conduct on Anti-Corruption, and Key Principles.

Quality & Environment

Certified ISO 9001 since 1991, continuous improvement, environment & risk assessment have been at the heart of our development over the years, be it for the design and promotion of environmentally-friendly technologies (LNG Small Scale stations), or for our own energy consumption, waste reduction and recycling.

Social Responsibility

Beyond our Human Resources’ Diversity program, we strongly believe that our places of work have to be connected to local voluntary activities and professional & associative network.

We are glad to count ESAT (Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail) of Metz as our provider for green space maintenance. ESAT employs disabled people and proposes specific services. We strongly recommend ESAT network for the quality of their service.

CRYOLOR Certificates